Why are Dog-Grooming Scissors Curved?

I noticed the groomer’s selection of “tools” included a curved pair of scissors the last time I took my Big Dog in for “service”. Later that afternoon I began doing some research because I was determined to learn how the equipment was so (and why!) to be able to trim his hair myself!

So, why are dog-grooming scissors curved?  “Some dog-grooming scissors are curved to “round-out” the naturally round areas of the body like the head, hips and feet area. 

In this article, I’ll share everything I’ve discovered about dog-grooming scissors, and more! We’ll go over:

  • Which Dog-Grooming Scissors Rate Highest Among Owners & Groomers
  • Picking the Right Scissors for Grooming Big Dogs
  • Using Curved Scissors on Big Dogs

Additionally, I’ll include some fun facts and helpful links along the way! Let’s “take a little off the top”!

Why are Dog-Grooming Scissors Curved?

Curved dog-grooming scissors are all about esthetics. They are not an essential “tool” for grooming, but they certainly are convenient for making your Big Dog’scoat to look as natural as possible. Straight-edged scissors work well on long the long, flat areas of your Big Dog’s torso but can make choppy and obvious marks across the more rounded areas. Using a curved dog-grooming scissor for these areas will work with the dog’s natural curves and contours.

FUN FACT: Although there are breeds registered as “hair-less”, no dog is completely lacking hair of some sort on their body. 

Highest Rated Big Dog-Grooming Scissors 

Having both; curved dog-grooming scissors and straight-edged; is ideal. Each serves a specific function in grooming your Big Dog! I’m happy to share the results of my research regarding dog-grooming scissors to save you the time and bother! Here’s what I found…

The dog-grooming scissor set pictured above comes highly recommended in its class! Inside an attractive case, you’ll find a bonus dog comb nestled between 4 pairs of dog-grooming scissors! One pair is straight-edged, one pair curves down-ward and one, upward. the fourth pair of dog-grooming scissors are used for thinning out very thick hair.

Additionally, the tips of all the scissors are rounded for the safety of your Big Dog and you! The scissors are high-quality stainless steel and won’t rust. They feature an adjustable screw for tightness and have a sleek, ergonomic design.

Grab Your Set of 4 Dog-Grooming Scissors in a Zipper Case Here on Amazon.

FUN FACT: The Afghan Hound is the dog breed known for having the longest hair. 

Which Grooming Scissors are Right for Which Big Dogs?

When selecting the right tools for your Big Dog’s grooming needs, you’ll want to consider three things.

  1. The length of your dog’s hair
  2. The thickness of your dog’s hair
  3. The consistency of your dog’s hair

Big Dogs with very short hair like Rottweilers will likely never have the need for scissors in their grooming. There are tools for grooming a short-haired dog like this comb designed for de-shedding sold on Amazon.

The comb has a stainless-steel blade protected by a stainless-steel comb. It’s designed to pull up and trim all the loose hairs of your dog’s undercoat, where most shedding originates.

From Grooming Kit on Amazon (above)

Just above, you have a closer view of the scissors from the dog-grooming kit on Amazon featured earlier in this article. Below you’ll discover the purpose for each pair:

  • A: Thinning scissors are designed to reduce bulk and thickness without reducing length. Best For: Dogs with extremely thick hair that is medium-length to long.
  • B: Downward-curved scissors help make trimming the areas that naturally slope downwards (like near the feet) look uniform. Best For: Dogs with Medium-length to long-hair. Use near the hip area and/or on legs. Tip: They are also great for shaping tails!
  • C: Upward-curved scissors trim along the lines that naturally grow upward (like the area around the ears). Best For: Dogs with medium-length to long hair. Use near the ears and around the face.
  • D: Straight scissors work well for snipping tufts of hair from inside the ear and for an overall length-trim on your dog’s undercarriage. Best For: Dogs with any-length hair who needs quick trim-ups. Use for snipping where needed and trimming undercarriage hair.
  • E: Stainless-steel comb included in the dog-grooming kit. Please use caution when combing out tangles!

FUN FACT: Coconut Oil is good for your Big Dog’s hair… and skin!


Using Curved Scissors on Big Dogs

why are dog grooming scissors curved

Your dog’s coat is your best guide for using curved grooming scissors. use them on all naturally curved areas of your dog’s frame. Simply follow these 5 handy grooming steps for a complete hair-trimming:

  1. Bathe your dog with a natural and conditioning shampoo.
  2. Towel dry.
  3. Brush your dog to remove any tangles.
  4. Using a comb as a guide for uniform length, trim around your dog’s neck, ears, hips, legs and tail areas with the curved scissors.
  5. Blend the rest of the dog’s coat into the already trimmed areas using straight scissors or clippers.

Optional: Use thinning scissors if your dog’s coat is the right length but still too dense for the weather or your taste.

Can Thinning Scissors be Used to Groom Big Dogs?

Thinning scissors can absolutely be beneficial in grooming! Big Dogs that have very thick hair, like Saint Bernards or Collies may appreciate having a thinner coat during the hotter months of summer. Thinning scissors can reduce bulk without decreasing length (when used correctly).

Simply section off a swatch of hair about 3 inches wide (about 7.5cm) and hold it between the fingers of one hand. Take the thinning scissors in the other hand and, beginning next to your dog’s skin, make a quick and clean cut about every inch or so along the whole length of the hair. Repeat as needed until the desired thickness is achieved.

Remember to make fewer cuts than you think you’ll need. It’s much easier to take a little more hair off than to add hair that’s been clipped too short back on!

FUN FACT: A robot vacuum cleaner is a mighty tool in the battle of you vs shedding dog! 

can clippers be used on big dogs

Can Clippers be Used on Big Dogs?

Because my dog has no need for haircuts, I deferred to friends who have longer-haired dogs for the answer to this question. Many people told me they use clippers between trips to the groomer on their big dogs. Several owners told me they do all the grooming themselves, and clippers are a part of the process. There were a few Big Dog owners who told me they couldn’t use clippers at all because their dog was afraid of them.  Here are some things owners of Big Dogs mentioned regarding grooming with clippers:

  • Allow the dog to become accustomed to the sound and vibration of the clippers. Do this by letting your dog smell them when off. Next, turn the clippers on and rest the back-side (not the cutting edge) against the dog gently. When he understands neither the sound nor vibration of the clippers is a reason to fear, he’ll relax and let you trim his coat with clippers.
  • Keep the blades on the clipper oiled. Blades that aren’t oiled will not run at an efficient speed, causing the clippers to miss, or even pull out dog hair!
  • Attach the proper guide for the length you want your Big Dog’s coat to be, and work the clippers through the hair from the bottom up, with the guide resting on the skin.

THIS clipper set on Amazon is a best-seller! The kit features dog-grooming clippers with four length guides. Also included are a pair of straight stainless steel scissors, a pair of thinning scissors (also stainless steel) a brush to clean the blades and oil for lubricating the blades. There is also a handy screwdriver for adjusting the tension of the clippers’ screw. The clippers are cordless, and an electric charger is included in the purchase. But that’s not all! You’ll also receive a stainless-steel dog comb and nail-clippers to round this grooming set out!

Owners mention the affordability of the set and the high-quality of the tools. These tools, people say, are easy to hold and easy to operate with sharp, sharp blades.

dog grooming scissors

Since our mind should always be on reinforcing the bond we have with our Big Dog, we can use grooming and hair trimming time to enhance our bonding experience! You’ll find a wonderful mini-massage manual at the end of my article about grooming Rottweilers right at the other end of this link. Enjoy! Incidentally, you don’t have to own a Rottweiler to benefit from the whole article! The grooming tips and information apply to all Big Dogs!

I hope today’s article helped to explain the use of curved dog-grooming scissors plus armed you with information you need to know about the best grooming tools for your Big Dog. Stop back again soon the next time you have a question or want to learn more about your big companion! I want you to have the best canine companion experience possible… it’s what I share with my own Big Dog!


*This article has been reviewed in accordance with our editorial policy.


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