Rottweiler Grooming: Keep Your Rottie Shiny & Fresh

Oh, those majestic Rottweilers! Captivating and loving brown eyes, sharp teeth that seem to glow in the moonlight, a coat that shines like silk! Do you wonder how much work goes into grooming a Rottweiler?  You’ll be pleased to know the answer is Very Little! 

Today we’ll venture through the Ultimate Rottweiler Grooming Resource where you’ll learn how to Groom Your Rottweiler in simple yet complete steps that will keep your Rottweiler looking like Royalty!  Find out how to groom your Rottie from head to toe… 

Grooming Your Rottweiler From Head to Toe

Grooming your Rottie should be a priority right from the start. The sooner your pup is introduced to grooming, the more comfortable he will be with it in years to come! In this Ultimate Rottweiler Grooming Resource, we’ll cover all you need to know to groom your Rottweiler, including:

  • Shampoos and other skincare products
  • Cleaning your Rottie’s ears
  • Bathing your Rottweiler
  • Toenail and foot care
  • How nutrition and hydration Affect Grooming
  • The best grooming products to have
  • How to handle shedding
  • The benefits of massage for your Rottweiler ~Mini Massage Manuel included!

5 Things You’ll Need to Groom Your Rottweiler  

Unless you have a long-haired Rottweiler, which we’ll address further along in this article, your Rottweiler has a short and extremely dense coat. Actually, he has a double coat. One is shorter and thick to his skin, and the other one is the one you see, slightly longer and less course. Although that coat is the biggest area you’ll be grooming, there are finer details that you’ll tend to as well.

We put together the Basic Grooming Kit for you if you are just starting out. Of course, there are a plethora of specialty grooming items out there, and we’ll see some today, but the following items should be in everyone’s Basic Grooming Kit:

  • Shampoo for Dogs
  • Canine Nail Clippers
  • Canine Brush
  • Canine Tooth Brush
  • Wet Wipes for Dogs

How Often Should you Bathe a Rottweiler? (F)

Which Shampoo is Best for Rottweilers?

Your Rottweiler’s coat should be smooth and shiny.  Things like playing outside or over-bathing can dry his skin out, and strip away the natural oils moisturize skin and coat alike.  Rottie Resource recommends that you use an all-natural and moisturizing shampoo for bathing your Rottie. I found this wonderful shampoo option right on Amazon!

Best Toenail Clippers for Rottweilers

Trimming your Rottweiler’s toenails goes best when you begin early in his life. And some Rottweilers will just hate it their whole life, and you’ll need to schedule a veterinary appointment to have it done.

However, if your Rottweiler spends a lot of time walking on pavement or sidewalk, his nail will be kept “filed down” and you’ll never have to clip them at all!

If you WILL BE clipping your Rottweiler’s nails at home, you’ll want heavy-duty Canine Clippers designed for Large Breed Dogs.

We’ll go over clipping your Rottie’s Toenails a little further down in this article.

The Best Brush for Rottweilers 

Some think that Rottweilers don’t shed because they have short hair, but I can tell you they do! I pay close attention to keeping my Rottie Maximus brushed, even do quick wipe-downs with wet wipes, and still, I sweep up dog hair on cleaning day! There are fancy brushes, special shedding control brushes and so many brushes to choose from, it can make one dizzy!

For your basic grooming kit though, a simple two-sided one will suffice. One side hard-bristled for reaching that shorter undercoat of fur, and the other side soft-bristled, to keep the outer coat gleaming! 

Canine Toothbrush and CanineToothpaste for Your Rottweiler

You could get away with using a soft human toothbrush on your Rottweiler’s teeth, but here at Rottie Resource, we don’t recommend it. The shape is hard to reach those Rottie molars in the back, and the size is much bigger than a standard Canine Toothbrush, making it more intrusive in your dog’s mouth.

I also want you to be aware than Human Toothpaste is TOXIC to your Rottweiler, and has the potential to be DEADLY!

Rather, use a toothbrush and paste formulated for dogs. You may want to begin with a rubber or silicone “brush” that fits over your fingertip. It’s a great way to introduce your Rottie Puppy to dental hygiene!

To learn how to brush your Rottie’s teeth, read on!

The Uses for “Wet-Wipes” in Grooming Rottweilers  

Pre-moistened towelettes are so handy for day to day use! A quick allover wipe-down catches loose hairs, removes dust or dirt picked up from your Rottie rolling in the lawn, and are great for gently cleaning the inside of your Rottweiler’s ears!

Speaking of ears, DO NOT USE COTTON SWABS NEAR YOUR ROTTWEILER’S EAR CANAL! Using them poses a risk of dirt or wax being pushed into your Rottie’s ears.

Additionally, you will discover that your Rottie slobbers. A lot! That slobber can into the folds of excess skin around his mouth and cause irritation. “Wet-Wipes”  clean the saliva out of those folds quickly and efficiently.

There are pre-moistened available at pet stores and on Amazon designed especially for Pets. Or, you can buy some generic, all-purpose ones from the bargain bins at the market, as we do!

How Often Should You Bathe Your Rottweiler?

You’ll want to be careful not to over-bath your Rottweiler. Doing so strips away the natural oils he produces that protect and moisturize both his skin and his coat.  If your companion will be mostly inside and pretty much go outside when you do, then you wouldn’t need or want to bath him or her very often.  

My Rottie is an inside dog and I bathe him once every four or five months.  If your Rottweiler will be outside often or a lot of the time, you would want to bathe him or her more often.  Monthly baths would be a good idea to help keep him or her clean. 

Also, you’d want to have daily maintenance.  This will help keep your Rottie’s coat healthy.

What to do BEFORE Bathing Your Rottweiler

  1. Have your bath supplies ready in the bath area. These supplies include:: Soft Cloth for Washing, Shampoo, Brush, and Towels. If you’d like, add your Rottweiler’s toothbrush, Toothpaste, and/or Nail Clippers
  2. Fill the bath, paying attention to water temperature.  
  3. Have a towel or towels on the floor and for drying afterward.
  4. Do a full-body check:  run your hand from the tail end to the head.  Feeling the chest, stomach, under legs (feeling for ticks or any kind of mass or injury)
  5. Check his or her paws:  look at the paw pads and between the toes (ticks like to hide in there)
  6. Check his or her ears:  feel all around the outside and under the flap, in the folds.  Look inside the ear for dirt. Gently wipe with a cotton swab after a bath or before, whichever you prefer.
  7. Check his or her mouth:  look at the gums, teeth, jowls, and top of the mouth.
  8. Brush his or her coat.

Some dogs don’t like a bath, some are scared.  Take your time and be gentle and loving. Do not holler or sound mean if they are reluctant at first.  Slowly introduce a bath so it’s not a traumatic, dreadful, hated task…for you both.

Bathing Your Rottweiler

Take care not to get shampoo in your Rottie’s eyes!  Bathtime is easier on both of you when it is a pleasant experience.

After all soap residue has been rinsed from his head and face area, begin sudsing up his neck, working downward and backward.  Don’t neglect his paws and the areas where legs and torso meet.  Use the pads of your finger to vigorously wash his skin, keeping in mind it is hidden under two layers of tough fur.

Revert to the cloth you used on his face to clean the area around his or her genitals.  Avoid getting soap directly on the genitals and anus, as these are other places your Rottweiler has natural oils for protection.

Wash the tail, paying close attention to the area where his nubby tail meets his back.  Dander and dirt (and even FLEAS) gather there because it’s a difficult place for your Rottie to reach when self-cleaning.  Carefully and slowly rinse in the same order you washed. Beginning at the neck, and working downward and backward.

When you’re sure your Rottie is rinsed clean (because shampoo residue can irritate when not rinsed off) pat your Pooch down with soft dry towels.  Don’t rub the towel back and forth in the fur.  This will dry up the oils on his skin and may cause dry skin.

Please Note: The Rottie Resource urges you to discuss fleas, ticks and other parasites with your veterinarian.  Ask for his recommendations according to the health history of your Rottie. 

I know a woman whose Chihuahua has a seizure if any flea medication or shampoo is applied to his skin. She has resorted to all-natural remedies.  Your veterinarian knows best when it comes to parasite prevention!

Bonding With Your Rottweiler During Bathing

Bathtime is an excellent opportunity for you to reinforce your bond with your Rottweiler!  Make it a pleasant time from beginning to end. Keep your voice and actions pleasant and affectionate.  Your Rottie “reads” you to determine how to assess a situation, and if you’re enjoying bathtime, chances are he will too. 

As you shampoo your Rottweiler, move your fingertips in circles along his back, hips, and flanks, giving him a mini-massage as you wash. Gently squeezing and releasing as you work your way down the legs massages them, as well! And hey, who doesn’t love a nice mini-massage?!?

Any interaction you have with your Rottweiler ties into ALL interactions you have with him.  Each interaction is an opportunity to strengthen and reinforce bonding and affection, your position as leader, training, and good health.  When you have these things on your mind each time you interact with your Rottie, you are multi-tasking toward a happy, healthy, well-rounded and loving companion! 

And did I mention well-behaved? Your Rottie being well-behaved matters, too!

How to Clip Your Rottweiler’s Nails

Please Note: Big Dog Den recommends that if you’re concerned about possible aggressive behavior from your Rottweiler during toenail clipping, please take him to have it professionally done at the veterinarian’s office or grooming salon. At the very least, if you’re concerned about aggression in your Rottie, muzzle him before clipping his toenails.

Whether you clip your Rottie’s toenails before or after his bath is a personal choice.  It doesn’t even have to be at bathtime, but it may have to be done!

Be cautious not to clip any nail too short, as this is painful for your Rottweiler and will cause him to associate clippings with unpleasantness. Additionally, a toenail clipped too short will bleed and poses a risk for infection to develop.

If you do accidentally clip too short, an alum stick or cornstarch will quickly clot the blood, and an antibiotic ointment will help prevent infection.  As we mentioned in “Best Toenail Clippers for Rottweilers” above, you may only have to clip rarely (and sometimes not at all!) but if you do clip your Rottie’s toenails, this is how:

  1. Insert a tiny portion of the nail into a guillotine-style clipper. Never go higher than where your Rottie’s toenails begin to curve.
  2. Squeeze the clippers firmly and quickly for a quick clean cut.
  3. Repeat if necessary until you reach the beginning of the curve on his nail.
  4. Repeat on as many toenails as your Rottie and you are comfortable within one sitting.
  5. Reward your dog with praise and affection or a treat for any progress the two of you made. The more pleasantness he associates with any activity, the more pleasant the activity becomes to him!

Helpful Tip: Gently pressing on the ”pad” of your Rottie’s foot will cause his claws to extend, making them easier to clip.

How to Brush Your Rottweiler

Your Rottweiler will benefit from weekly through brushings.  You’ll want to use both, hard-bristles and soft-bristles for a complete brush-down. Using a hard-bristled brush, begin where your Rottie’s neck and back meet.  Using firm yet gentle “flicking” strokes, brush downward and backward.  This will remove the loose hairs from the underlayer of your Rottie’s coat.

Press hard enough that the bristle reaches his skin, but not so hard that it scratches or causes your Rottie discomfort.  Don’t forget to use this time for bonding.  Be affectionate and speak gently.  You may even find that your Rottie “speaks back” making low and pleasing sounds as you work. 

If you’ve never heard of the Rottie Rumble or the Rottie Purr, chances are you’ll experience them while you brush!

Finish off brushing time by using the soft-bristled brush. This brush will distribute your Rottweiler’s natural oils evenly throughout his topcoat, making it soft and shiny!

It’s a good idea to reward your Rottweiler after brushing him to add extra reinforcement to the life-long bond you’re forming!

How to Brush Your Rottweiler’s Teeth

Rottweiler’s are subject to tooth decay (cavities) and gum disease just as humans are.  Proper dental hygiene is part of an overall health regimen.  So much so that the Rottie Resource recommends you have your Rottweiler’s teeth examined by a veterinarian once or twice a year! 

Like your teeth, your Rottweiler’s should be brushed daily.  At the very least, be sure to brush your Rottie’s teeth AT LEAST weekly.  If weekly is your thing, you may want to consider many of the Dental Chew options for daily use.  

Steps for Brushing Your Rottie’s Teeth

  1. Put a dab of Canine Toothpaste on your finger and let your Rottie smell and taste it.
  2. Put a pea-sized drop of paste on Canine Toothbrush.
  3. Begin with top teeth, and at the gum line. GENTLY massage the gum area with a downward flicking motion. Then, brush each tooth downward on the “outside” of the tooth (the side facing cheek). Many Rottweilers will not let you brush the “insides” of his teeth.
  4. Move to the bottom teeth and GENTLY massage gums in an upward flicking motion. Then brush the “outside of each tooth in the same upward way.
  5. Quickly and GENTLY run the bristles of the toothbrush across the roof of your Rottie’s mouth and around the insides of his cheeks.
  6. Reward your Rottie at the end of the brushing session with praise and affection.

A regular Dental Hygiene routine not only keeps your Rottweiler’s gums healthy and teeth strong, but it also promotes fresh breath… Score!

Beyond Basic Grooming

At the beginning of this article, we compiled a Basic Grooming Kit and mentioned that is was the starting point. The “ground zero” of grooming, if you will. From there, you may wish to add other grooming products to your arsenal! 

5 Great Grooming Products

  • The Furminator reaches deep into your Rottweiler’s undercoat, pulling out loose hair with high efficiency. Battle shedding from all fronts! The more loose hair you brush out, the less you’ll have to sweep up! More than 13,000 users reviewed this brush on Amazon and over 80% of them gave it the highest possible rating!
  • Nail Grinder: A less intimidating way to keep your Rottie’s toenail trim, THIS quiet grinder made it all the way to Amazon’s bestseller list!
  • The Pet Wand Shower makes bathtime easier! The steady stream of water is easy to direct and promotes a thorough rinsing. It comes with an 8 ft hose and an adaptor to fit your faucet or outside spigot.
  • A Grooming Mitt is great for quick touch-ups between brushings! It fits like a glove, and grabs loose hairs, gathering them in the palm of your hand. Durable, washable and convenient, these gloves are handy and convenient!

Yes, Canine Cologne is a thing! Keep your Rottweiler fresh smelling between baths with a deodorizing cologne. Protect your Rottweiler’s skin by selecting a cologne that is organic and all-natural.

Isn’t it grand to know your Rottweiler is one of the easiest breeds to groom?!? They have such natural beauty! Keeping your Rottie looking his best doesn’t take much time and doesn’t cost much money!

Remember: Complete Grooming is a combination of proper nutrition and hydration, brushing and bathing, and addressing any skin issues that may arise!

Use your grooming time to check for any abnormalities on your Rottweiler, massage his muscles and as an opportunity to express your affection and bond with him.

The Benefits of  Canine Massage

Massaging your Rottweiler provides enormous psychological benefits for his overall well-being. Bonding with you and being shown affection will make your Rottie blossom! It helps build his confidence, his trust in you, and his sociability.  Additionally, there are physical benefits to massage such as:

  • Calming a nervous Rottie
  • Helping your dog’s muscles get warmed up before sports and cooled down after
  • Heightening the Immune System
  • Improving muscle tone
  • Promoting good circulation
  • Slowing the deterioration process
  • Reducing pain in the event of sore muscles or joints
  • Aiding in any healing process
  • Promoting longevity

BONUS: Mini-Massage Manuel for Rottweilers

With the knowledge that Rottweilers are prone to experiencing joint issues, beginning a massage regime early in his life will benefit him greatly later in his life! Massage your Rottweiler in 5 Easy Steps! The Rottie Resource is happy to present our Complete Mini-Massage Manuel!

The All-Over Basic Massage

Step 1 Massaging Your Rotties Face and Head

Some Rottweilers like to have their face touched and some do not. Respect your Rottie’s preference! If he DOES like it, you use your thumbs to gently massage his face. Begin where his muzzle ends between his eyes. Using both thumbs, gently massage in a circular and upward motion. Move your thumbs upward and with each thumb on one side of his forehead, repeat the motion there.

If your dog enjoys it, use the thumbs in the same way along the sides of his muzzle. On his head, alternate between wide gentle strokes with your whole open palm and using the pads of your fingertips in smaller, more concentrated strokes. Your Rottie’s moans and sighs will let you know the motions he most enjoys!

Step 2  Massaging the Large Areas of Your Rottie’s Body

Using long broad strokes made by the “heels” of your hands, spend at least a minute administering petting strokes. Find the perfect combination of gentleness and firmness and work from neck to tail.

Step 3 Massaging Your Rottie’s Muscles

Gently lift and squeeze your Rottweiler’s large muscles, beginning around his shoulders and working your way downward and backward. This resembles kneading bread dough. Only apply the amount of pressure your Rottie enjoys.

Step 4  Massaging Your Rottie’s “Undercarriage”

Caution: This is an “invitation only” event. When your Rottie exposes his belly to you, he is displaying his trust in you and his overall feelings of safety and contentment. Your Rottweiler “speaks” with his body language, and you’ll quickly become accustomed to what he is saying to you.

When he does offer you belly by laying on his back broad long strokes from the chest to the abdomen made with open palms will delight him! This technique is helpful in circulation and digestion, and can even aid in gas-relief.

Step 5  Massaging Your Rottweiler’s Legs and Paws

Some Rottweiler’s are sensitive to having their legs or paws touched. Respect the boundaries his body language “draws” while gently encouraging him to become accustomed to having his legs and paws massaged. Experiment with what technique produces the most cooperative Rottie. The most common techniques for massaging a Rottweiler’s  legs and paws are:

  • Long gentle but firm strokes with both your hands encircling the leg and working downward to the paws.
  • Short squeezes working from the top of his leg downward with your hands in the same position.
  • Tiny “pinches” that gently lift the skin away from the muscle, working from top to bottom and tiny squeezes of his entire paw.
  • Gentle Stretches can ease joint pain and improve your Rottie’s overall range of motion in his legs. To do this, hold the top of the leg in one hand and your Rottie’s paw in the other. Apply the slightest stretch, pulling the paw away from the leg. Hold the stretch for 3-5 seconds, and repeat on each leg 3-5 times.

Massage For a Nervous Rottweiler

Using both hands with palms open, gently stroke from the base of your Rottie’s head to the “peak of his hips, alternating your hands. Make several passes, while speaking in calm tones. When you sense your Rottie relax slightly, leave one hand on the base of his head, and the other on the “peak” of his hips. These two areas help regulate the rest and relaxation responses in your Rottweiler’s body. Apply as much pressure as your Rottie enjoys without pushing hard.

Massaging Your Rottweiler for Pain

It’s common for Rottweilers to develop joint issues as they age. Your Rottie can even sprain a muscle during vigorous play. Whatever the cause of your Pooch’s discomfort, massage may provide some relief. Begin with softly petting around the sore area to warm up the tissue and muscle. With open palms down, begin a gentle compression motion, “pumping” the sore area with your hands.

This stimulates circulation by moving fluids through the muscle, relieving tension on the tendons. Do not apply force or make a sudden movement, this is a slow and gentle “pumping”.

We hope you have enjoyed learning about grooming your Rottweiler today and found our Mini-Massage Manual helpful!

Be sure to keep your Rottweiler “groomed” on the inside, too! Proper nutrition will add a natural sheen to his coat, and develop those strong muscles! Learn all you need to know about feeding your Rottweiler in our “Age by Age Feeding Guide”!


*This article has been reviewed in accordance with our editorial policy.

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