Do All Great Danes Drool?

I visited a friend who owns a Great Dane and noticed the dog drooled. A lot. Later I wondered if all Great Danes drool and did the research.  Here is what I found out:

Do all Great Dane Dogs drool?  No…Not all Great Dane Dogs drool. Naturally, this further piqued my curiosity! What?! Why?!? If you’re doing your own research about slobbery dogs, you’ve landed in just the right place!  I’m going to share the results of my research with you right here, in the Big Dog Den.

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • The Possible Reason(s) Great Danes Drool
  • If Drooling Can be Prevented in Great Danes
  • Grooming & Hygiene Tips for Great Danes that Drool
  • The Breeds that Drool More than Great Danes
  • Tips for Cleaning Up (all) that Great Dane Drool
  • And a Bit More Because I learned A-LOT!

Let’s get the big question out of the way, and then we’ll chew on some details and pertinent information.

Why do Some Great Danes Drool (but some don’t)?

DID YOU KNOW? All dogs salivate to help cool themselves down and drool to varying degrees. The excess saliva could promote drooling. 

Opinions differ when it comes to the question “Why do some Great Dane Dogs drool?” Let’s take a look at what is most likely behind all that “liquid love”.

  • Big and “Flappy” Lips: All that skin around a Great Dane’s lips and mouth (Called flews) can act as a “pocket” for gathering saliva and water. When the “pocket” overflows, drool happens. This is the cause of drooling that is completely natural, and cannot be prevented at all.
  • Medical Issues: When the onset of drooling happens suddenly and is excessive, there is likely a medical cause behind the drooling, Continue reading to discover what these medical problems could be, and how to address each one. This type of drooling will ease or cease when the medical issue has been addressed.
  • Teething: Somewhere around your Great Dane’s fourth month of life, his baby teeth will begin falling out to create space for his permanent teeth. Both of these processes can cause discomfort for your dog and cause excess salivation. Drooling associated with teething may lessen after all the permanent teeth have emerged.
  • Hunger or Thirst: Some dogs begin salivating because they are overheated, and need a drink of fresh cool water. Others drool around feeding time. Just the thought of that delicious kibble can set salivation in motion! This kind of drooling will likely be a lifetime habit and will do no harm whatsoever.

DID YOU KNOW? Dogs are susceptible to heatstroke. If you’re concerned that the drooling is caused by excessive heat, and your dog is exhibiting signs of extreme fatigue, get him to a cool place quickly and offer him water. If the dog is struggling to breathe or collapses, please seek emergency medical attention immediately!

Are There Ways to Prevent Great Danes from Drooling?

If drooling is in your Great Dane’s nature, there will be nothing you can do to prevent it. If the drooling isn’t “par” for your dog, or comes on suddenly and excessively, there could be a problem. Ruling out any underlying medical issues that can cause a Great Dane to drool is your only preventative measure in keeping the drooling to a minimum.  These issues include:

  • Dental problems like an abscessed tooth, periodontal disease or mouth injury. it’s best to begin a dental-health regime with your Great Dane from the time he is a pup. This regime should include a dental examination by your dog’s veterinarian at least once a year.
  • Nerves can cause a dog to salivate excessively. Notice what’s going on if your Great Dane that normally doesn’t drool too often is suddenly drooling heavily. Is it a trip to the vet that sets the drooling off? Is a storm brewing? Are you introducing your dog to a new human, animal, or circumstance? Nervous drooling can be best controlled by ensuring your dog is well-socialized from an early age. Additionally, try to avoid springing surprise situations on your dog.
  • Stomach issues like nausea can also cause a dog to drool. Nausea can occur if your dog ate something he shouldn’t have eaten, or if there was a drastic change in his diet. Any changes in diet should be introduced gradually, over a period of about a week. Additionally, dogs in need of a worm treatment might exhibit signs of nausea. Check with your veterinarian to learn the proper worming schedule for your dog, and be sure each treatment is administered in a timely fashion.
  • Throat obstruction or injury can cause sudden and excessive drooling. If your dog is retching or gagging while drooling, please take him directly to his veterinarian!

DID YOU KNOW? An adult Great Dane can eat up to 10 cups of food daily!

Grooming & Hygiene Tips for Great Danes that Drool

do great danes drool a lot

If you’ve ascertained that your Great Dane is drooling simply because some Great Danes drool, and not because of a medical issue, you’ll learn to just love him through the slobber. There are a couple of things you can do to keep your dog well-groomed and hygienic even though he is a drooler.

  • Brush your Great Dane’s teeth daily with a mouth-moisturizing canine toothpaste.
  • Pay close attention to all that extra skin around his lips at bath time, making sure the flews are thoroughly cleaned and dried.
  • Have moist towelettes handy at all times. Keep a pack in your car, one by the front door (for after walks) and a pack in the rooms of the house your Great Dane frequents.

DID YOU KNOW? Even though a Great Dane Dog is short-haired, he will shed!

Can Dog Toys Make Great Danes Drool or Drool more?

big dog halloween costume

It may seem that your Great Dane drools more when he is chewing on his toys, but toys are not the singular reason for drooling. Toys are important! Don’t stop the dog from playing with toys just because his drooling becomes more noticeable when he is at play.

Toys are helpful for puppies that are teething, and all dogs have an inherent need to chew. Toys become instrumental in preventing boredom as dogs get older, as well. When your Great Dane has toys to chew on, he will be less likely to chew on the things you’d rather not have chewed.

Toys burn energy for your Great Dane, too! Exercise is an important factor in every dog’s overall health, and your Great Dane is no exception. Toys are also another tool you can utilize for bonding with your dog. In short, playtime is important for many reasons! Encourage your dog to play with toys, and play with him as often as possible.

So go ahead, offer your dog a plethora of playthings, even if his drooling increases when he is hard at play!

DID YOU KNOW? There are interactive toys that allow your Great Dane to exercise his brain, as well as his body! The “Kong” brand for large breeds that are aggressive chewers is an excellent option! I grabbed my furry friend a “kong” toy from Amazon. Here’s the link if you’d like to grab one for yours   


How Do Great Danes Rank in Breeds that Drool?

(Top 10 Dog Breeds that Drool)

There are many “Top ten lists” with differing information about the dogs that drool the most. I decided to present the information provided by the highest authority on all things “dog”. The American Kennel Club (AKC) compiled a list of the top ten dogs that are known for drooling. Guess what! The Great Dane breed didn’t even make the list! Check this out…

  1. Newfoundland
  2. Basset Hound
  3. Saint Bernard
  4. English Bulldog
  5. Blood Hound
  6. The Great Pyrenees
  7. Clumber Spaniel
  8. Sharpei
  9. Mastiff
  10. Boxer

DID YOU KNOW? The medical term for drool is ptyalism!

 Tips for Cleaning Up that Great Dane Dog Drool

It’s easy to overlook the drooling in the pets we love so much, but it can be harder to overlook the mess that can come along with it! Thankfully, drool isn’t hard to clean up from the floors or the walls. A quick wipe with a wet towel and your favorite cleaning product will do it.

We’ve already discussed how good wet towelettes are at cleaning up your Great Dane when he slobbers on himself, but these towelettes are also excellent for cleaning up drool while traveling! Always have a package of them in your car.

For those toys that get covered in drool, simply fill the sink (or tub) with equal parts of water and vinegar and give the toys a soak. Tough toys with tough dirt can be cleaned by scrubbing the toy with baking soda.

DID YOU KNOW? The Great Dane is not Danish in origin, but German. 


I sure learned more than I thought I would when I began researching the subject of dog drool! LOL! I hope today’s article helped shine some light on the subject for you, as well. Mainly, I hope you discovered that your dog’s tendency to drool has come from natural sources and that there are no underlying medical issues you’ll have to address. I know this can bring much relief to any concerns you may have had!

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: It will be Halloween before we know it! If you want to have your furbaby join in the holiday fun, you won’t want to miss The Big Dog Halloween Costume and Safety Guide right here in the Big Dog Den!  

Stop in Again Soon!


*This article has been reviewed in accordance with our editorial policy.

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